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时间:2004-01-08 08:31 来源:本站原创 作者:zhengjia… 阅读:
    无论是DAO还是ADO都有两种从Recordset对象中查询记录的方法:Find方法和Seek方法。在这两种方法中可以让你指定条件进行查询与其相应的记录, 一般而言,在相同条件下,Seek方法提供了比Find方法更好的性能,因为Seek方法是基于索引的。因为这个原因基本提供者必须支持 Recordset 对象上的索引,可以用Supports(adSeek) 方法确定基本提供者是否支持Seek,用Supports(adIndex) 方法确定提供者是否支持索引。(例如,OLE DB Provider for Microsoft Jet支持SeekIndex。),请将Seek方法和Index属性结合使用。如果Seek没有找到所需的行,将不会产生错误,该行将被放在Recordset 的结尾处。执行此方法前,请先将Index 属性设置为所需的索引。此方法只受服务器端游标支持。如果 Recordset对象的CursorLocation属性值为adUseClient,将不支持 Seek。只有当 CommandTypeEnum值为adCmdTableDirect 时打开Recordset对象,才可以使用此方法。 

ADO Find方法 


DAO方法   ADO Find 方法 

下面的一个例子示范了如何用ADO Find方法查询记录:

Sub FindRecord(strDBPath As String, _

               strTable As String, _

               strCriteria As String, _

               strDisplayField As String)

    ' This procedure finds a record in the specified table by

    ' using the specified criteria.

    ' For example, to use this procedure to find records

    ' in the Customers table in the Northwind database

    ' that have "USA" in the Country field, you can

    ' use a line of code like this:

    ' FindRecord _

    '    "c:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\Samples\Northwind.mdb", _

    '    "Customers", "Country='USA'", "CustomerID" 

    Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection

    Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset   

    ' Open the Connection object.

    Set cnn = New ADODB.Connection

    With cnn

        .Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"

        .Open strDBPath

    End With   

    Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset

    With rst

        ' Open the table by using a scrolling

        ' Recordset object.

        .Open Source:=strTable, _

              ActiveConnection:=cnn, _

              CursorType:=adOpenKeyset, _


        ' Find the first record that meets the criteria.

        .Find Criteria:=strCriteria, SearchDirection:=adSearchForward       

        ' Make sure record was found (not at end of file).

        If Not .EOF Then

            ' Print the first record and all remaining

            ' records that meet the criteria.

            Do While Not .EOF

                Debug.Print .Fields(strDisplayField).Value

                ' Skip the current record and find next match.

                .Find Criteria:=strCriteria, SkipRecords:=1



            MsgBox "Record not found"

        End If

        ' Close the Recordset object.


    End With

     ' Close connection and destroy object variables.


    Set rst = Nothing

    Set cnn = Nothing   

End Sub 


FindRecord “c:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\Samples\Northwind.mdb”, _

   “Customers”, “Country=’USA’”, ”CustomerID”


ADO Seek方法 

因为ADO Seek方法使用Index,最好是在用这个方法之前指定一个索引,可是,如果你没有指定索引,Jet database engine将用主键。



下面的一个例子显示了如何用ADO Seek方法查询记录: 

Sub SeekRecord(strDBPath As String, _

               strIndex As String, _

               strTable As String, _

               varKeyValues As Variant, _

               strDisplayField As String)

     ' This procedure finds a record by using

    ' the specified index and key values.

    ' For example, to use the PrimaryKey index to

    ' find records in the Order Details table in the

    ' Northwind database where the OrderID field is

    ' 10255 and ProductID is 16, and then display the

    ' value in the Quantity field, you can use a line

    ' of code like this:

    ' SeekRecord _

    '   "c:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\Samples\Northwind.mdb", _

    '   "PrimaryKey", "Order Details", Array(10255, 16), "Quantity"

    Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection

    Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset  

    ' Open the Connection object.

    Set cnn = New ADODB.Connection

    With cnn

        .Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"       

        .Open strDBPath

    End With

    Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset

    With rst

        ' Select the index used to order the

        ' data in the recordset.

        .Index = strIndex   

        ' Open the table by using a scrolling

        ' Recordset object.

        .Open Source:=strTable, _

              ActiveConnection:=cnn, _

              CursorType:=adOpenKeyset, _

              LockType:=adLockOptimistic, _


        ' Find the order where OrderId = 10255 and

        ' ProductId = 16.

        .Seek KeyValues:=varKeyValues, SeekOption:=adSeekFirstEQ   

        ' If a match is found, print the value of

        ' the specified field.

        If Not .EOF Then

            Debug.Print .Fields(strDisplayField).Value

        End If 

        ' Close the Recordset object.


    End With

   ' Close connection and destroy object variables.


    Set rst = Nothing

    Set cnn = Nothing   

End Sub 


SeekRecord “c:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\Samples\Northwind.mdb”, _

   “PrimaryKey”, “Order Details”, Array(10255,16), ”Quantity”


