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分享 Tables based on templates
2009-2-12 14:42
Sub CreateTab(NewTab, Template As String, AutoIdx As Boolean) ' Erstellen eine Tabelle mit Feldern anhand einer in einer Tabelle abgelegten Felddefinition. ' in NewTab wird der Name der neuen Tabelle übergeben ' in Template wird der Name der Parametertabelle übergeben ' in AutoIdx wird ein Flag ü ...
3209 次阅读|2 个评论
分享 Trigonometric functions:
2009-2-12 14:15
Public Const cstPi As Double = 3.14159265389793 Public Const cstE As Double = 2.71828182845905 'Degrees - radians Public Function DegToRad(ByVal dblDeg) DegToRad = cstPi * dblDeg / 180 End Function 'Radiant - degree Public Function RadToDeg(ByVal dblRad) RadToDeg = 1 ...
3240 次阅读|2 个评论
分享 Statistical functions
2009-2-12 14:08
'Filters out variations of a data field, the numerical values and delivers them back. Possibly. 0-values are ignored Public Function ZahlenFilter(ByVal varArr As Variant, Optional ByVal bolIgnoreZero As Boolean = False) As Variant Dim lngLB As Long, lngUB As Long, lngCnt As Long ...
2481 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Set Record Source,controls And Display Data In A Report Using VBA Code
2009-2-10 12:29
Option Compare Database '------------------------------------------------------ Public Sub PreviewReport_Click() createtNewReport End Sub '------------------------------------------------------ Public Sub createtNewReport() Dim txtNew As TextBox Dim lblNew As Label Dim rpt As Repo ...
个人分类: 雜誌|2560 次阅读|1 个评论
分享 will change the orientation of the report, according to the parameter
2009-2-10 12:21
1. SwitchOrient(report_name) This will set the orientation of report_name to Landscape ALLWAYS. 2.SwitchOrient(report_name, ) This will set the orientation of report_name to either Portrait or Landscape, according to the second parameter's value (1 or 2, see the const dec ...
2437 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 如何判断 ACCESS 中的窗体,或者ACCESS主窗体的缩放状态,是否最大化是否最小化?
2009-2-10 08:03
ACCESS 窗体本身没找到相关的属性,希望以后版本的ACCESS能加入该功能。 现在用 API 可以解决: 缩放状态 Declare Function IsZoomed Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long 是否最小化 Declare Function IsIconic Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long 是否可见 Declare Function IsWindowVisible Lib "user ...
个人分类: 雜誌|4058 次阅读|4 个评论
分享 大家新年好呀!
2009-2-2 13:26
个人分类: 雜誌|949 次阅读|2 个评论
分享 DBI 精品系列 -Nav Tools 2 Pro全套破解控件 含有說明檔及實例!
2008-1-19 09:08
Nav Tools 2 Pro全套破解控件 含有說明檔及實例! DBITech.rar (2008-01-17 09:13:00, Size: 2.48 MB, Downloads: 19)
个人分类: 控件|464 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 黄海老师式的窗体更换皮肤实例!
2008-1-19 09:07
黄海老师式的窗体更换皮肤实例! 由于时间仓促没有真正调试及修改部份代码,望有心之士完善其版本! 请各位继续关注...... QUOTE: Snap1.jpg Snap2.jpg Snap3.jpg Snap4.jpg 窗体皮肤更换交流.rar (2008-01-19 00:12:11, Size: 222 KB, D ...
个人分类: 源代碼|580 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 POS 國外ACCESS測試版本!
2007-12-20 11:10
國外access商業測試版本-POS軟件 Snap1.jpg Snap2.jpg Snap3.jpg Snap4.jpg Snap5.jpg 有兩個附件,共2.8MB 其中一個需要回覆,方可下載! *** Hidden to visitors *** possetup2002.part1.rar (2007-12-20 11:09:41, Size: 1.87 MB, Downloads: 0) possetup2002.par ...
个人分类: 控件|476 次阅读|0 个评论

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